The Moon
The moon has intrigued and mystified people since creation on the 4th day God placed it in the sky.
Distance From Earth: 225,745 miles
Length of a Day: 27.3 days
Weight: 81 Quintillion Tons
Surface Temp (Day): 123°C.
Surface Temp (Night): - 233° C
Driving time by car (@100 kph): 166 days (aoout 120 for an Italian - they go faster and don't stop at lights!)
Flying time by rocket: 60 to 70 hrs
No. of Men Who Have Walked on Surface:12The moon is actually moving away from earth at a rate of 1.5 inches per year.
The surface area of the moon is 9.4 billion acres.
The moon is not round, but egg shaped with the large end pointed towards earth.
When walking on the moon, astronaut Alan Sheppard hit a golf ball that went 730 metres!
The moon appears in all sorts of shapes and sizes. Big, small, bright, half moon quarter moon.
Its appearance is determined by the way the sun reflects on it.
There is a lesson in this for us.
As Christians, the way people see us is determined by the way the Son is reflected through us.
Isaiah 60:1-5
Arise and shine.
The moon arises and shines because the sun shines upon it and the moon begins to radiate light.
We can arise and shine because the Son shines upon us and we too can radiate the light of Christ.
This means to bring light into the darkness. There will be darkness in the world, but we do not need to be distracted by the darkness. To fight darkness, turn on the light.
So how do we shine the light?
Love life. Celebrate the little things. People are attracted to those who are passionate about life.
Put a “10” on every persons head. Think the best of people and let them live up to your expectations. Appreciate others and help them achieve their potential.
Give hope. Hope is the greatest gift you can give another.
Share yourself. Share your time and resources with others.
If you are looking at the sky at night your sight will gravitate towards the moon. Also, if we a reflecting the love of Christ, people in darkness will find us and Him irresistible.
Whenever I look at the moon I do a spot check….How am I reflecting the love of Christ to others at the moment.