I ate this magnificent beast yesterday. Some guys gave to me as a gift to eat while Andrea was away and could not protest.
It was superb. I highly recommend eating horse!!
According to Wikipedia it is slightly sweet, tender, low in fat, and high in protein. For the majority of mankind’s early existence wild horses were hunted as a source of protein. It is now a major meat in only a few countries, notably Central Asia, but it forms a significant part of the culinary traditions of many others, from Europe to South America to China. The top eight countries consume about 4.7 million horses a year.
Because of the role horses have played as a companion and as a worker, it is a taboo food in many cultures. These historical associations, as well as ritual and religion, led to the development of the aversion to the consumption of horse meat. The horse is now given pet status by many in the western world, which further solidifies the taboo on eating its flesh. There is also an element of sentimentality, as horses have long enjoyed a close relationship with many humans, on a similar level to household pets – this can be seen projected in such Anglophone cultural icons such as Black Beauty and My Little Pony.
Nb. Actual horse consumed may not be the one pictured. Actually they tell me that horses bred for meat are short ugly things – I prefer to think of the one in my fridge along the lines of Black Beauty!
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