Here is a great article on the topic from Relevant magazine. One is one quote from the article:
You can have the huge budget, skilled and experienced technical crew and a firmly executed marketing plan, but if you film a pedantic script with summer-stock-reject actors, your better-looking product is simply lipstick on a pig. Throw in Christian film’s inherently agenda-driven plots and dialogue and you have lipstick on a preachy pig.
I love it - How often do we put lipstick on a preach pig and expect everyone to buy into it?
Here is another blog that touches on the unnecesary spiritual/ secular divide that we create, including in film.
another question posed by the group was on the sacred/secular split – the tendency we as christians have to divide life into what we call spiritual and what we call secular when, as one guy pointed out in my group, Jesus would probably be confused if i told Him about “my spiritual life” because to Him everything was spiritual – and so can’t we as Christ followers just start making good movies – when i look at a movie like ‘the blind Side’ with Sandra Bullock in, it was a really strong movie and received critical acclaim in many quarters but was not produced as a ‘christian movie’ – we have the stories, we just need to do better at getting them across
And just for a laugh, here are some of the best Christian Rapture movie posters from Tall Skiiny Kiwi
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