Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Doctrinal Pride

If your Calvinism or Arminianism or dispensationalism or views concerning the end times or your disdain for all doctrinal beliefs causes you to feel doctrinally superior to those who hold other views then you are probably guilty of the sin of doctrinal pride.
Jerry Bridges in "Respectable Sins - Confronting the Sins We Tolerate', p92.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Is the rest of the book any good?

  3. Hey Eugene, I have not read this book of Jerry Bridges. I have read The Fear of God, which has some really good thoughts, and listened to some of his teaching. Most of his stuff is great. Bit of a dry preacher, but he sounds just like Colonel Sherman Potter form MASH which is pretty awesome!

    I liked your thought that you deleted. When we are sure we are right, we a wrong (or at least can be!). There is some truth in that.I think that while there are some things we need to hold onto, that are faith essentials, there is a lot we need to hold more lightly. I guess, we need confidence in Christ, not our theologies.
